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Get to know christa watson!

In this second in a series of mini-interviews, learn more about our Threads of Success speakers and their presentations!

On Sunday, October 27, from 2:30-3:15 pm, Christa will be presenting “Make It Easy For Them to Say Yes!”

Why did you want to participate in the Threads of Success conference?

I'm excited to be a part of Threads of Success because it's very much needed in our industry. I get asked for advice all the time from those wanting to break into the quilting business, and I love being able to help others navigate their path in this fun, but often confusing arena!

What was the biggest challenge for you in breaking into this business?

For me, the biggest challenge was realizing I had something to offer. I kept thinking I had to wait until I was "good" enough, "experienced" enough, "old" enough, "popular" enough, etc. But once I realized there's no "perfect" way to be successful, I finally got out of my own way and got to work figuring out what it was I wanted to do.

What is the one piece of advice you wish you knew then that you do now?

It's OK to get rejected. Fear of failure stops so many of us in our tracks. But if we let fear keep us from setting our pie-in-the-sky goals, we'll never be able to take that first step.

What is the most important thing you hope people take away from your presentation?

The title of my lecture is "Make it Easy for them to Say Yes!" so I'm excited to share my experiences and tips on how to ask for things and get what you want. With the understanding that planning + confidence = success, then the sky is the limit with what can be accomplished.

Any other comments?

I think this is the perfect conference for those wanting to create their own quilting business, but aren't sure where to start. I look forward to meeting and getting to know other enthusiastic quilting entrepreneurs, and am most excited about the connections that will be made, the friendships that will be forged, and the new ideas that will be shared!

For more about Christa, visit


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